Migration Update: Spring 2017 and BirdCast: Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow . . .

Andrew Farnsworth The Cornell Lab Feb 28, 2017


Tree Swallow. Karen Fung/Macaulay Library. eBird S34823979.

Did Team BirdCast say spring 2017 and it’s only February? Are we incorrect in saying this on two conflicting fronts, first because of the record winter warmth in many parts of the US that already seems like spring (or summer!) and second because of the date on the calendar? Well, we may be incorrect because of the date on the calendar, but birds have been on the move for many weeks now. And the warm temperatures in many areas of the country have no doubt played a large role in some of the magnitude of these movements. Here’s just a sample of what’s on the move in the last week, to whet your appetite for our upcoming weekly migration forecast and analysis features.

Watch for the official kickoff to the season later this week, with our first forecast post!

Quick Links to Regions

Upper Midwest and NortheastBirdCast Upper Midwest and Northeast Region Gulf Coast and SoutheastBirdCast Upper Southeast Region
Great Plainsbirdcast_plains West
BirdCast West Region

Upper Midwest and Northeast

Top Movers


Species Increase from Last Week % of Checklists Reporting
Common Grackle 90% 23
Wood Duck 228% 4.3
Red-winged Blackbird 70% 36.9
Killdeer 81% 14.1
Green-winged Teal 132% 6.3
Ring-necked Duck 103% 9.8
Northern Shoveler 95% 6.2
Lesser Scaup 110% 4.8
Fox Sparrow 179% 2.9
Eastern Phoebe 175% 1.7
Ring-billed Gull 59% 23.9
Tree Swallow 255% 0.9
Fish Crow 75% 6
Brown-headed Cowbird 75% 5
Mallard 45% 35.8
Bufflehead 62% 11.9
American Woodcock 76% 2.8
Tundra Swan 99% 3.3
Pied-billed Grebe 92% 3.3
Gadwall 62% 7.7
Canvasback 95% 2.6
Canada Goose 32% 48.9
American Black Duck 52% 10.3
Rusty Blackbird 87% 1.6


Swallow-tailed Kite. Noah Frade/Macaulay Library. eBird S34820385.

Gulf Coast and Southeast

Top Movers


Species Increase from Last Week % of Checklists Reporting
Tree Swallow 87% 9.2
Northern Parula 103% 5.6
Blue-winged Teal 80% 9.2
Savannah Sparrow 60% 9.6
Eastern Meadowlark 64% 7.4
Purple Martin 84% 4.1
Greater Yellowlegs 85% 6
White-eyed Vireo 71% 9.8
Killdeer 47% 16.7
Barn Swallow 468% 1.5
Fish Crow 42% 15.9
Eastern Phoebe 37% 28
Northern Harrier 83% 6.8
American Kestrel 54% 12.8
Swallow-tailed Kite 6434% 1
Great Egret 47% 25.8
Northern Shoveler 68% 8.6
Turkey Vulture 47% 41.8
Lesser Yellowlegs 91% 3.4
Golden-crowned Kinglet 66% 5.1
Roseate Spoonbill 69% 4.8
Double-crested Cormorant 45% 25.8
Loggerhead Shrike 57% 7.7

Hermit Thrush. Rosemary Seidler/Macaulay Library. eBird S34193838.

Great Plains

Top Movers


Species Increase from Last Week % of Checklists Reporting
Northern Shoveler 102% 9.7
Green-winged Teal 105% 8
Lesser Scaup 135% 6.8
Killdeer 46% 19.4
Swamp Sparrow 125% 3.2
Gadwall 69% 12.9
Greater Scaup 123% 1.6
Northern Pintail 88% 8.1
Marsh Wren 149% 1.1
Bufflehead 46% 8.8
Ring-necked Duck 68% 8.5
Ring-billed Gull 44% 19
American Tree Sparrow 53% 11.9
Hermit Thrush 210% 1.7
Blue-winged Teal 123% 1
Horned Lark 76% 9.2
Barred Owl 65% 4
Eastern Phoebe 50% 4.6
Red-winged Blackbird 25% 24.5
Ruddy Duck 58% 3.6
Brown-headed Cowbird 39% 2.9
Harris's Sparrow 27% 12.1
Greater White-fronted Goose 79% 5.8
Tundra Swan 167% 0.6

Cliff Swallow. Jeff Bray/Macaulay Library. eBird S34799241.


Top Movers


Species Increase from Last Week % of Checklists Reporting
Green-winged Teal 80% 12
Tree Swallow 101% 6.7
Cinnamon Teal 104% 6.5
Turkey Vulture 66% 13.5
Killdeer 66% 11.1
Violet-green Swallow 107% 2.4
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 86% 4.3
American White Pelican 111% 3.1
Brown Pelican 113% 3.4
Lincoln's Sparrow 87% 5.6
Ring-billed Gull 69% 11.6
Willet 94% 3.9
American Wigeon 56% 16.4
Greater Yellowlegs 100% 3.9
Ruddy Duck 63% 12.5
Western Gull 69% 8.8
Gadwall 66% 11.6
Northern Shoveler 55% 12.8
Red-tailed Hawk 51% 29.7
Western Grebe 83% 5.5
Say's Phoebe 62% 10.5
Cliff Swallow 147% 0.9
Double-crested Cormorant 49% 16.4
Pied-billed Grebe 58% 11.7
Hermit Thrush 78% 4.7



Farnsworth and Van Doren