Forecast and Analysis

Migration Alert: High intensity migration this evening, 10-11 September 2020

Andrew Farnsworth The Cornell Lab Sep 10, 2020

Black-and-white Warbler. Martina Nordstrand/Macaulay Library. eBird S73352637.

The BirdCast model is predicting high intensity migration for the continental US for the night of 10-11 September 2020.

We estimate this migration will comprise approximately 400 million birds, with the highest intensity movements in Texas and portions of the southern Appalachians and lower Mississippi River valley. This will be another amazing opportunity to experience migration, whether by listening at night to vocal birds in flight or observing the following morning for new arrival and departures. These intense movements also highlight an opportunity for conservation action – turn off lights at night to avoid attracting birds into hazardous conditions in which they can collide with buildings and other structures!

Species on the move

This high intensity movement will feature an array of species migrating at night. The expandable tables that follow detail what species will be on the move in your region of the US over the next days! For further information about BirdCast regions, species on the move, and the data we use, please visit this review page.

Upper Midwest and Northeast

Ovenbird. Ian Davies/Macaulay Library. eBird S25203380.

Species on the Move

Beginning Arrivals What is this?

Species Noticeability Migrants Begin Arriving Rapid Migrant Influx Peak Rapid Migrant Departure Last Migrants Depart
Northern Harrier ** 8/2 10/9 10/21 11/2 11/13
Peregrine Falcon * 8/2 9/23 10/4 10/17 10/28
Northern Shoveler ** 8/9 10/12 11/8 After Nov 30 -
Green-winged Teal ** 8/13 10/11 10/24 After Nov 30 -
Northern Flicker ****! 8/30 9/12 9/25 10/10 10/30
Brown Thrasher *** 8/30 9/9 9/21 10/4 10/17
Sharp-shinned Hawk *** 8/31 9/10 10/17 10/30 After Nov 30
Gray-cheeked Thrush *** 9/2 9/11 9/23 10/5 10/14
Palm Warbler *** 9/2 9/21 10/6 10/21 11/1
Pied-billed Grebe *** 9/4 10/11 10/31 11/20 After Nov 30
Northern Pintail ** 9/5 10/12 10/27 11/7 After Nov 30
Great Cormorant * 9/5 11/16 After Nov 30 - -
Marsh Wren * 9/7 9/19 9/30 10/17 10/29
Blue-headed Vireo *** 9/8 9/21 10/4 10/19 10/31
Eastern Phoebe ****! 9/9 9/18 9/30 10/18 11/3
Lincoln's Sparrow *** 9/10 9/22 10/5 10/19 10/31
Indigo Bunting *** 9/10 9/16 9/25 10/12 10/21
American Pipit *** 9/10 9/22 10/24 11/11 11/25
Eastern Bluebird *** 9/12 9/27 10/18 11/12 After Nov 30
Savannah Sparrow *** 9/12 9/26 10/12 10/29 11/12
Dunlin ** 9/13 10/17 10/29 11/11 11/22
American Robin *** 9/13 9/24 10/13 11/8 After Nov 30
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker *** 9/16 9/25 10/5 10/16 10/24
Chipping Sparrow *** 9/16 10/2 10/12 10/29 11/9

Peaking Arrivals

Species Noticeability Migrants Begin Arriving Rapid Migrant Influx Peak Rapid Migrant Departure Last Migrants Depart
Belted Kingfisher ** - 8/2 9/19 10/16 10/29
Prairie Warbler * - 8/2 9/10 9/25 10/7
Sora * 8/12 8/21 9/24 10/12 10/25
American Golden-Plover ** 8/16 8/26 9/9 9/22 10/16
Chestnut-sided Warbler *** 8/14 8/26 9/9 9/25 10/6
Wood Thrush ** 8/22 8/28 9/12 10/1 10/12
Yellow-throated Vireo *** 8/21 8/29 9/9 9/22 10/2
Ovenbird ** 8/15 8/29 9/12 9/30 10/12
Black-and-white Warbler *** 8/2 8/29 9/13 9/30 10/11
Tennessee Warbler *** 8/17 8/29 9/15 10/4 10/19
White-eyed Vireo *** 8/23 8/31 9/10 9/23 10/3
Northern Waterthrush ** 8/2 8/31 9/10 9/24 10/9
Hooded Warbler * 8/23 8/31 9/10 9/24 10/5
American Redstart *** 8/20 8/31 9/12 9/26 10/8
Wilson's Warbler *** 8/22 8/31 9/11 9/23 10/2
Red-headed Woodpecker * 8/23 9/1 9/11 9/27 10/13
Magnolia Warbler *** 8/20 9/1 9/16 10/2 10/13
Common Yellowthroat *** 8/24 9/2 9/17 10/9 10/23
Black-throated Blue Warbler *** 8/23 9/2 9/25 10/14 10/23
Nashville Warbler *** 8/23 9/3 9/20 10/10 10/22
Scarlet Tanager *** 8/24 9/3 9/15 10/1 10/12
Merlin *** 8/26 9/4 9/20 10/26 11/6
Red-breasted Nuthatch ** 8/12 9/4 10/2 10/17 After Nov 30
Cape May Warbler *** 8/25 9/4 9/18 10/2 10/15
Bay-breasted Warbler *** 8/26 9/4 9/15 9/28 10/8
Pine Warbler ** 8/23 9/4 9/21 10/12 10/26
Bald Eagle *** 8/2 9/5 9/17 9/26 10/1
Red-shouldered Hawk ** 8/26 9/5 9/21 11/10 11/19
Philadelphia Vireo *** 8/27 9/5 9/16 9/28 10/7
House Wren ** 8/30 9/5 9/15 10/7 10/21
Swainson's Thrush *** 8/27 9/5 9/17 9/30 10/14
Turkey Vulture *** 8/28 9/6 9/19 10/27 After Nov 30
American Kestrel ** 8/29 9/6 9/26 10/22 11/2
Cooper's Hawk ** 8/2 9/7 10/11 10/28 11/8
Northern Parula *** 8/28 9/7 9/20 10/4 10/15
Blackpoll Warbler *** 8/28 9/7 9/22 10/8 10/23
Black-throated Green Warbler *** 8/24 9/7 9/21 10/6 10/17
Summer Tanager * 8/27 9/7 9/17 10/2 10/12
Rose-breasted Grosbeak *** 8/30 9/7 9/17 9/30 10/9
Broad-winged Hawk *** 8/31 9/8 9/18 9/29 10/7
Blue Jay *** 8/23 9/8 9/28 10/30 11/26
Gray Catbird *** 8/28 9/8 9/18 10/9 10/22
Brown Thrasher *** 8/30 9/9 9/21 10/4 10/17
Sharp-shinned Hawk *** 8/31 9/10 10/17 10/30 After Nov 30
Gray-cheeked Thrush ** 9/2 9/11 9/23 10/5 10/14
Northern Flicker *** 8/30 9/12 9/25 10/10 10/30
Indigo Bunting ** 9/10 9/16 9/25 10/12 10/21

Beginning Departures

Species Noticeability Migrants Begin Arriving Rapid Migrant Influx Peak Rapid Migrant Departure Last Migrants Depart
Killdeer *** - - Before Aug 1 10/25 11/24
Whimbrel * - - Before Aug 1 9/19 10/3
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron * - 8/2 8/6 10/10 10/28
Yellow-billed Cuckoo * - 8/2 8/6 9/28 10/12
Tree Swallow *** - 8/2 8/9 10/25 11/6
Snowy Egret ** - 8/2 8/11 10/17 10/31
Green Heron *** - 8/2 8/12 9/16 10/5
Great Egret *** - 8/2 8/13 10/22 11/5
Solitary Sandpiper *** - 8/2 8/13 9/11 9/30
Laughing Gull ** - 8/2 8/14 After Nov 30 -
Great Blue Heron *** - 8/2 8/15 10/20 After Nov 30
Osprey *** - 8/2 8/15 10/19 11/4
Forster's Tern * - 8/2 8/16 9/26 After Nov 30
Cedar Waxwing *** - 8/2 8/17 9/25 After Nov 30
Semipalmated Plover *** - 8/2 8/18 9/11 9/28
Chimney Swift *** 8/9 8/14 8/18 10/11 10/20
Greater Yellowlegs ** - 8/2 8/20 11/11 After Nov 30
Caspian Tern ** - 8/2 8/20 9/12 10/22
Wood Duck ** - 8/2 8/21 11/2 11/22
Royal Tern * - 8/2 8/21 11/8 After Nov 30
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher *** 8/2 8/12 8/26 9/15 9/27
White-rumped Sandpiper * - 8/2 8/27 9/15 9/22
Great Crested Flycatcher *** 8/15 8/21 8/27 9/14 9/24
Red Knot * 8/11 8/19 8/28 9/10 9/22
Western Sandpiper * 8/13 8/19 8/28 9/9 9/20
Blue-winged Warbler ** - 8/2 8/28 9/15 9/26
Eastern Wood-Pewee *** 8/7 8/18 8/29 9/24 10/9
Canada Warbler ** 8/2 8/18 8/29 9/11 9/24
Baird's Sandpiper ** 8/12 8/20 8/30 9/10 9/19
Olive-sided Flycatcher * 8/2 8/18 8/30 9/12 9/25
Ruby-throated Hummingbird *** - 8/2 8/31 9/21 10/3
Sanderling ** - 8/2 9/2 9/22 10/4
Bobolink ** 8/2 8/19 9/2 9/16 10/19
Buff-breasted Sandpiper ** 8/16 8/23 9/3 9/14 9/22
Least Flycatcher ** 8/11 8/21 9/3 9/21 10/4
Warbling Vireo *** 8/19 8/27 9/5 9/17 9/25
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher * 8/13 8/24 9/6 9/20 9/30
Blue-winged Teal ** 8/2 8/19 9/7 10/22 11/5
Red-eyed Vireo *** 8/15 8/24 9/7 9/28 10/11
Veery *** 8/19 8/28 9/7 9/19 9/28
Golden-winged Warbler * 8/18 8/28 9/8 9/20 9/29
Blackburnian Warbler *** 8/12 8/23 9/8 9/26 10/7
American Golden-Plover * 8/16 8/26 9/9 9/22 10/16
Yellow-throated Vireo *** 8/21 8/29 9/9 9/22 10/2
Chestnut-sided Warbler *** 8/14 8/26 9/9 9/25 10/6
White-eyed Vireo *** 8/23 8/31 9/10 9/23 10/3
Northern Waterthrush *** 8/2 8/31 9/10 9/24 10/9
Hooded Warbler * 8/23 8/31 9/10 9/24 10/5
Prairie Warbler * - 8/2 9/10 9/25 10/7
Red-headed Woodpecker * 8/23 9/1 9/11 9/27 10/13
Wilson's Warbler *** 8/22 8/31 9/11 9/23 10/2
Wood Thrush ** 8/22 8/28 9/12 10/1 10/12
Ovenbird *** 8/15 8/29 9/12 9/30 10/12
American Redstart *** 8/20 8/31 9/12 9/26 10/8
Black-and-white Warbler *** 8/2 8/29 9/13 9/30 10/11
House Wren *** 8/30 9/5 9/15 10/7 10/21
Tennessee Warbler *** 8/17 8/29 9/15 10/4 10/19
Bay-breasted Warbler *** 8/26 9/4 9/15 9/28 10/8
Scarlet Tanager *** 8/24 9/3 9/15 10/1 10/12
Philadelphia Vireo *** 8/27 9/5 9/16 9/28 10/7
Magnolia Warbler *** 8/20 9/1 9/16 10/2 10/13

Ending Departures

Species Noticeability Migrants Begin Arriving Rapid Migrant Influx Peak Rapid Migrant Departure Last Migrants Depart
Black Skimmer * - - Before Aug 1 8/3 10/28
Yellow Warbler *** - - Before Aug 1 8/10 9/24
Glossy Ibis * - - Before Aug 1 8/23 9/24
American Oystercatcher * - 8/2 8/4 8/23 9/26
Common Tern *** - - Before Aug 1 8/24 9/30
Little Blue Heron * - 8/2 8/9 8/25 10/24
Black-crowned Night-Heron * - 8/2 8/9 8/25 10/27
Northern Rough-winged Swallow ** - - Before Aug 1 8/25 10/25
Black-bellied Plover * - 8/2 8/18 8/27 After Nov 30
Willet ** - 8/2 8/11 8/28 9/14
Bank Swallow *** - 8/2 8/5 8/28 9/12
Barn Swallow *** - 8/2 8/9 8/28 9/13
Cliff Swallow ** - - Before Aug 1 8/29 9/17
Blue Grosbeak * - - Before Aug 1 8/31 10/17
Ruddy Turnstone ** - 8/2 8/10 9/2 9/25
Spotted Sandpiper *** - - Before Aug 1 9/3 9/18
Baltimore Oriole *** - 8/2 8/20 9/3 9/13
Short-billed Dowitcher *** 8/2 8/11 8/17 9/4 9/14
Lesser Yellowlegs *** - 8/2 8/19 9/5 9/24
Semipalmated Sandpiper *** 8/2 8/7 8/20 9/6 9/20
Pectoral Sandpiper ** 8/11 8/17 8/23 9/7 11/13
Black Tern ** 8/7 8/16 8/25 9/7 9/18
Stilt Sandpiper ** 8/12 8/18 8/26 9/8 9/18
Least Sandpiper *** - 8/2 8/19 9/8 9/22
Common Nighthawk *** 8/13 8/20 8/29 9/8 9/15
Western Sandpiper * 8/13 8/19 8/28 9/9 9/20
Red Knot * 8/11 8/19 8/28 9/10 9/22
Baird's Sandpiper *** 8/12 8/20 8/30 9/10 9/19
Semipalmated Plover *** - 8/2 8/18 9/11 9/28
Solitary Sandpiper *** - 8/2 8/13 9/11 9/30
Canada Warbler *** 8/2 8/18 8/29 9/11 9/24
Caspian Tern ** - 8/2 8/20 9/12 10/22
Olive-sided Flycatcher * 8/2 8/18 8/30 9/12 9/25
Buff-breasted Sandpiper ** 8/16 8/23 9/3 9/14 9/22
Great Crested Flycatcher *** 8/15 8/21 8/27 9/14 9/24
White-rumped Sandpiper ** - 8/2 8/27 9/15 9/22
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher *** 8/2 8/12 8/26 9/15 9/27
Blue-winged Warbler ** - 8/2 8/28 9/15 9/26
Green Heron *** - 8/2 8/12 9/16 10/5
Bobolink ** 8/2 8/19 9/2 9/16 10/19

Gulf Coast and Southeast

Yellow-throated Vireo. David Hall/Macaulay Library. eBird S31532331.

Species on the Move

Beginning Arrivals What is this?

Species Noticeability Migrants Begin Arriving Rapid Migrant Influx Peak Rapid Migrant Departure Last Migrants Depart
Great Blue Heron *** 8/2 11/5 11/16 After Nov 30 -
Cooper's Hawk ** 8/2 9/21 10/17 After Nov 30 -
American Avocet * 8/2 10/22 11/7 After Nov 30 -
Belted Kingfisher *** 8/13 9/18 10/22 After Nov 30 -
Ovenbird *** 8/26 9/11 9/25 10/25 11/5
Black Vulture ** 8/28 9/30 11/18 After Nov 30 -
Sora * 8/29 9/21 11/7 11/17 After Nov 30
Nashville Warbler *** 8/30 9/11 10/4 10/24 11/12
Scarlet Tanager *** 8/30 9/12 9/28 10/14 10/25
Tennessee Warbler *** 8/31 9/11 10/3 10/23 11/3
American Redstart ****! 8/31 9/12 9/26 10/19 11/2
Magnolia Warbler *** 8/31 9/13 10/1 10/19 10/31
Black-throated Blue Warbler *** 8/31 9/11 10/11 10/27 11/5
Common Yellowthroat *** 9/1 9/17 10/6 10/21 11/2
Brown Thrasher *** 9/2 9/22 10/6 10/21 11/3
Clay-colored Sparrow * 9/2 9/16 10/4 10/21 11/6
Bald Eagle *** 9/3 9/15 11/21 After Nov 30 -
Blue-headed Vireo ** 9/3 10/15 10/31 11/8 11/14
Cape May Warbler *** 9/3 9/12 9/25 10/28 11/5
Broad-winged Hawk *** 9/6 9/15 9/25 10/6 10/16
Northern Mockingbird ****! 9/7 9/23 10/10 10/26 11/22
Sharp-shinned Hawk *** 9/8 9/24 10/28 11/15 After Nov 30
Merlin *** 9/8 9/18 10/9 11/2 11/16
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher ** 9/8 9/23 10/7 11/3 11/23
Swainson's Thrush *** 9/8 9/17 9/29 10/13 10/23
Wood Thrush ** 9/10 9/21 10/2 10/15 10/25
Eastern Towhee ** 9/10 10/10 10/19 11/1 11/12
American Kestrel *** 9/12 9/29 11/12 After Nov 30 -
Rose-breasted Grosbeak *** 9/12 9/21 10/4 10/16 10/26
American Bittern * 9/14 10/9 11/12 After Nov 30 -
Peregrine Falcon *** 9/15 9/25 10/7 10/18 10/26
Brown-headed Cowbird ** 9/15 9/27 10/23 After Nov 30 -
Palm Warbler ****! 9/15 10/5 10/20 10/31 11/7
Northern Harrier *** 9/16 10/27 11/16 After Nov 30 -
Gray Catbird ****! 9/16 9/27 10/10 10/23 11/6

Peaking Arrivals

Species Noticeability Migrants Begin Arriving Rapid Migrant Influx Peak Rapid Migrant Departure Last Migrants Depart
Swainson's Hawk * - 8/2 10/2 10/16 10/28
Black-bellied Plover * - 8/2 10/31 After Nov 30 -
Caspian Tern * - 8/2 11/7 After Nov 30 -
Hooded Warbler ** 8/8 8/20 9/20 10/5 10/29
Worm-eating Warbler ** 8/11 8/23 9/16 10/1 10/10
Blue-winged Teal * 8/8 8/26 11/8 11/29 After Nov 30
Ruby-throated Hummingbird *** 8/13 8/29 9/13 10/4 10/19
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher *** 8/2 8/29 9/12 9/26 10/15
Mourning Warbler ** 8/21 8/30 9/11 9/22 10/2
Yellow-throated Vireo ** 8/17 8/31 9/15 9/30 10/13
Eastern Wood-Pewee *** 8/19 9/1 9/17 10/17 11/2
Acadian Flycatcher ** 8/21 9/1 9/15 10/2 10/16
Pine Warbler *** 8/15 9/1 10/9 10/26 11/3
Summer Tanager *** 8/21 9/1 9/15 10/1 10/18
Least Flycatcher ** 8/2 9/2 9/12 9/24 10/5
White-eyed Vireo *** 8/21 9/2 9/19 10/13 10/28
Blue-winged Warbler ** 8/21 9/2 9/15 9/29 10/10
Northern Parula *** 8/11 9/2 9/19 10/24 11/4
Baltimore Oriole *** 8/26 9/2 9/12 9/23 10/1
Bobolink * 8/21 9/2 9/20 10/13 10/26
Red-eyed Vireo *** 8/20 9/3 9/17 10/8 10/24
Yellow-throated Warbler ** 8/2 9/3 9/25 10/20 11/4
Red-headed Woodpecker * 8/22 9/4 9/18 10/26 11/5
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher * 8/2 9/4 9/16 10/1 10/11
Wilson's Warbler *** 8/27 9/4 9/17 9/29 10/16
Chimney Swift *** 8/23 9/5 9/21 10/11 10/22
Black-and-white Warbler *** 8/22 9/5 9/22 10/25 11/5
Blackburnian Warbler ** 8/26 9/5 9/18 10/3 10/28
Warbling Vireo * 8/28 9/6 9/17 9/29 10/8
Cedar Waxwing * 8/28 9/6 9/18 9/29 10/7
Chestnut-sided Warbler *** 8/23 9/6 9/22 10/9 10/23
Black-throated Green Warbler ** 8/28 9/6 10/10 10/25 11/6
Northern Waterthrush *** 8/15 9/7 9/20 10/3 10/13
Prairie Warbler ** 8/2 9/7 9/22 10/14 11/3
Veery *** 8/31 9/8 9/20 10/1 10/10
Ovenbird *** 8/26 9/11 9/25 10/25 11/5
Tennessee Warbler *** 8/31 9/11 10/3 10/23 11/3
Nashville Warbler *** 8/30 9/11 10/4 10/24 11/12
Black-throated Blue Warbler ** 8/31 9/11 10/11 10/27 11/5
American Redstart *** 8/31 9/12 9/26 10/19 11/2
Scarlet Tanager *** 8/30 9/12 9/28 10/14 10/25
Cape May Warbler ** 9/3 9/12 9/25 10/28 11/5
Magnolia Warbler *** 8/31 9/13 10/1 10/19 10/31
Bald Eagle ** 9/3 9/15 11/21 After Nov 30 -
Broad-winged Hawk ** 9/6 9/15 9/25 10/6 10/16
Clay-colored Sparrow * 9/2 9/16 10/4 10/21 11/6

Beginning Departures

Species Noticeability Migrants Begin Arriving Rapid Migrant Influx Peak Rapid Migrant Departure Last Migrants Depart
Cattle Egret ** - - Before Aug 1 10/3 10/18
Green Heron *** - - Before Aug 1 9/18 10/8
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron * - - Before Aug 1 10/8 10/23
Black-chinned Hummingbird * - - Before Aug 1 9/21 10/10
Eastern Kingbird *** - - Before Aug 1 9/22 10/5
Cliff Swallow ** - - Before Aug 1 9/14 10/18
Orchard Oriole * - - Before Aug 1 9/14 9/30
Gray Kingbird * - - Before Aug 1 9/17 10/11
Barn Swallow *** - 8/2 8/10 9/9 11/14
Stilt Sandpiper * - 8/2 8/14 9/17 9/27
Pectoral Sandpiper * - 8/2 8/16 9/19 9/30
Spotted Sandpiper *** - 8/2 8/18 9/10 9/22
Common Tern * - 8/2 8/18 9/30 11/10
Upland Sandpiper ** - 8/2 8/19 9/11 9/24
Semipalmated Plover ** - 8/2 8/20 9/17 9/27
Piping Plover * - 8/2 8/20 After Nov 30 -
Solitary Sandpiper ** 8/13 8/16 8/20 9/11 9/23
Wilson's Phalarope * - 8/2 8/23 9/14 10/2
Black Tern *** 8/2 8/6 8/24 9/10 9/26
Least Sandpiper *** - 8/2 8/25 9/15 After Nov 30
Semipalmated Sandpiper ** 8/2 8/13 8/26 9/14 9/28
Prothonotary Warbler * 8/2 8/15 8/29 9/24 10/6
Baird's Sandpiper * 8/2 8/19 8/30 9/17 9/28
Western Sandpiper ** 8/2 8/17 8/31 9/15 After Nov 30
Bank Swallow ** 8/14 8/21 8/31 9/12 9/22
Great Crested Flycatcher *** 8/15 8/23 9/2 9/19 10/1
Common Nighthawk *** 8/21 8/27 9/3 9/16 9/24
Buff-breasted Sandpiper ** 8/18 8/27 9/4 9/17 9/25
Cave Swallow * 8/2 8/28 9/4 9/16 11/21
Kentucky Warbler * 8/2 8/13 9/4 9/25 10/6
Dickcissel * 8/21 8/29 9/5 9/20 10/25
Olive-sided Flycatcher * - 8/2 9/6 9/24 10/4
Yellow-breasted Chat ** 8/17 8/25 9/7 9/23 10/7
Yellow Warbler *** - 8/2 9/8 9/30 10/13
Canada Warbler ** 8/17 8/27 9/8 9/22 10/4
Mourning Warbler ** 8/21 8/30 9/11 9/22 10/2
Least Flycatcher ** 8/2 9/2 9/12 9/24 10/5
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher *** 8/2 8/29 9/12 9/26 10/15
Baltimore Oriole *** 8/26 9/2 9/12 9/23 10/1
Ruby-throated Hummingbird *** 8/13 8/29 9/13 10/4 10/19
Acadian Flycatcher ** 8/21 9/1 9/15 10/2 10/16
Yellow-throated Vireo *** 8/17 8/31 9/15 9/30 10/13
Blue-winged Warbler ** 8/21 9/2 9/15 9/29 10/10
Summer Tanager *** 8/21 9/1 9/15 10/1 10/18
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher * 8/2 9/4 9/16 10/1 10/11
Worm-eating Warbler ** 8/11 8/23 9/16 10/1 10/10

Ending Departures

Species Noticeability Migrants Begin Arriving Rapid Migrant Influx Peak Rapid Migrant Departure Last Migrants Depart
Purple Martin *** - - Before Aug 1 8/3 9/10
Blue Grosbeak ** - - Before Aug 1 8/24 10/28
Sandwich Tern * - 8/2 8/16 8/27 After Nov 30
Black Skimmer ** - 8/2 8/14 8/30 9/11
Wilson's Plover * - 8/2 8/14 9/3 9/23
Sanderling * - 8/2 8/19 9/3 9/16
Least Tern *** - - Before Aug 1 9/3 9/17
Short-billed Dowitcher * - 8/2 8/22 9/6 9/21
Louisiana Waterthrush * - 8/2 8/13 9/6 9/30
Barn Swallow *** - 8/2 8/10 9/9 11/14
Spotted Sandpiper *** - 8/2 8/18 9/10 9/22
Black Tern *** 8/2 8/6 8/24 9/10 9/26
Solitary Sandpiper ** 8/13 8/16 8/20 9/11 9/23
Upland Sandpiper ** - 8/2 8/19 9/11 9/24
Bank Swallow ** 8/14 8/21 8/31 9/12 9/22
Semipalmated Sandpiper *** 8/2 8/13 8/26 9/14 9/28
Wilson's Phalarope * - 8/2 8/23 9/14 10/2
Cliff Swallow ** - - Before Aug 1 9/14 10/18
Orchard Oriole ** - - Before Aug 1 9/14 9/30
Least Sandpiper * - 8/2 8/25 9/15 After Nov 30
Western Sandpiper * 8/2 8/17 8/31 9/15 After Nov 30
Common Nighthawk *** 8/21 8/27 9/3 9/16 9/24
Cave Swallow * 8/2 8/28 9/4 9/16 11/21

Great Plains

Marsh Wren. Brian Peterson/Macaulay Library. eBird S24909879.

Species on the Move

Beginning Arrivals What is this?

Species Noticeability Migrants Begin Arriving Rapid Migrant Influx Peak Rapid Migrant Departure Last Migrants Depart
Wilson's Snipe * 8/2 10/3 10/18 11/3 11/16
Peregrine Falcon * 8/2 9/13 9/24 10/9 10/23
Western Meadowlark ** 8/2 9/9 10/15 10/29 11/7
Purple Finch * 8/2 10/27 After Nov 30 - -
American Golden-Plover * 8/12 9/22 9/30 10/12 11/16
Osprey *** 8/28 9/9 9/23 10/6 11/11
Sharp-shinned Hawk *** 8/31 10/2 10/17 10/28 After Nov 30
Eastern Phoebe *** 9/1 9/13 9/25 10/12 10/25
Summer Tanager *** 9/2 9/10 9/20 10/4 10/14
Pied-billed Grebe *** 9/3 9/16 10/30 11/13 11/29
Franklin's Gull *** 9/3 9/16 10/16 11/7 After Nov 30
Red-tailed Hawk *** 9/5 9/27 10/27 11/9 After Nov 30
Orange-crowned Warbler ****! 9/5 9/21 10/4 10/17 10/28
Western Grebe * 9/6 10/17 10/31 After Nov 30 -
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher *** 9/6 9/16 9/27 10/19 11/1
Lincoln's Sparrow *** 9/6 9/21 10/11 10/29 11/10
Northern Flicker ****! 9/7 9/16 10/1 11/4 11/13
Ruby-crowned Kinglet *** 9/7 9/21 10/8 10/24 11/8
Vesper Sparrow *** 9/7 9/23 10/10 10/27 11/6
Indigo Bunting ** 9/7 9/11 9/20 10/12 10/21
Broad-winged Hawk ** 9/8 9/15 9/23 10/5 10/12
Spotted Towhee *** 9/9 9/23 10/9 10/25 11/6
Double-crested Cormorant *** 9/10 9/26 10/23 After Nov 30 -
Northern Harrier *** 9/12 10/11 10/28 11/12 After Nov 30
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker ** 9/12 9/27 After Nov 30 - -
Red-winged Blackbird *** 9/12 9/26 10/22 After Nov 30 -
Savannah Sparrow *** 9/13 10/3 10/15 10/29 11/8
Common Grackle *** 9/13 9/20 10/6 10/29 After Nov 30
Marsh Wren *** 9/14 9/27 10/9 10/23 11/5
Yellow-rumped Warbler ****! 9/15 9/26 10/11 10/24 11/15
White-throated Sparrow *** 9/16 9/28 10/15 11/6 11/17

Peaking Arrivals

Species Noticeability Migrants Begin Arriving Rapid Migrant Influx Peak Rapid Migrant Departure Last Migrants Depart
Great Egret * - 8/2 9/13 10/20 11/11
Swainson's Hawk ** - 8/2 9/11 10/14 10/22
Sora * - 8/2 9/27 10/20 11/4
Greater Yellowlegs * - 8/2 10/27 11/16 After Nov 30
Tennessee Warbler ** 8/2 8/9 9/9 10/3 10/23
Blue-winged Teal *** 8/2 8/10 9/13 10/24 11/10
Magnolia Warbler * 8/16 8/27 9/9 9/23 10/3
Caspian Tern * 8/2 8/31 9/11 9/26 10/9
Philadelphia Vireo * 8/18 8/31 9/13 9/27 10/6
White-eyed Vireo * 8/24 9/1 9/12 9/27 10/8
House Wren ** 8/25 9/1 9/11 10/6 10/20
Swainson's Thrush *** 8/24 9/1 9/11 9/22 10/1
Blue-headed Vireo *** 8/25 9/2 9/16 9/28 10/24
Northern Parula ** 8/26 9/2 9/12 9/24 10/5
Black-throated Green Warbler * 8/20 9/2 9/22 10/13 10/28
Clay-colored Sparrow *** 8/20 9/3 9/24 10/16 10/30
Turkey Vulture *** 8/2 9/4 9/27 10/16 10/25
Gray Catbird *** 8/2 9/4 9/13 10/1 10/13
Brown Thrasher *** 8/26 9/4 9/14 9/29 10/9
Cooper's Hawk ** 8/2 9/5 9/24 10/24 11/8
Nashville Warbler *** 8/27 9/5 9/22 10/14 10/24
Merlin * 8/19 9/6 10/24 11/8 11/24
Common Yellowthroat *** 8/30 9/6 9/20 10/12 10/21
Red-shouldered Hawk * 8/2 9/7 9/29 10/28 11/25
American White Pelican ** 8/2 9/8 10/18 After Nov 30 -
Osprey *** 8/28 9/9 9/23 10/6 11/11
Western Meadowlark *** 8/2 9/9 10/15 10/29 11/7
Summer Tanager ** 9/2 9/10 9/20 10/4 10/14
Indigo Bunting ** 9/7 9/11 9/20 10/12 10/21
Peregrine Falcon * 8/2 9/13 9/24 10/9 10/23
Eastern Phoebe *** 9/1 9/13 9/25 10/12 10/25
Broad-winged Hawk ** 9/8 9/15 9/23 10/5 10/12
Pied-billed Grebe *** 9/3 9/16 10/30 11/13 11/29
Franklin's Gull *** 9/3 9/16 10/16 11/7 After Nov 30
Northern Flicker ****! 9/7 9/16 10/1 11/4 11/13
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher ** 9/6 9/16 9/27 10/19 11/1

Beginning Departures

Species Noticeability Migrants Begin Arriving Rapid Migrant Influx Peak Rapid Migrant Departure Last Migrants Depart
Cattle Egret * - - Before Aug 1 10/1 11/2
Killdeer *** - - Before Aug 1 11/4 After Nov 30
Spotted Sandpiper *** - - Before Aug 1 9/9 9/29
Baird's Sandpiper ** - - Before Aug 1 9/10 9/21
Black Tern ** - - Before Aug 1 9/12 9/30
Northern Rough-winged Swallow ** - - Before Aug 1 10/7 10/23
Tree Swallow ** - - Before Aug 1 9/9 11/1
Lark Sparrow *** - - Before Aug 1 9/13 9/26
Yellow-headed Blackbird * - 8/2 8/9 9/27 10/8
Lark Bunting ** - 8/2 8/11 9/17 9/24
Solitary Sandpiper ** 8/2 8/7 8/15 9/10 9/26
Marbled Godwit * - 8/2 8/15 9/10 10/2
Chimney Swift *** - 8/2 8/15 10/11 10/20
Green Heron *** - 8/2 8/17 9/22 10/9
Mourning Dove *** - 8/2 8/17 10/4 10/25
Bank Swallow *** - 8/2 8/19 9/10 9/26
Wood Duck ** - 8/2 8/20 10/28 After Nov 30
Snowy Egret ** - 8/2 8/20 10/5 10/26
Lesser Yellowlegs ** - 8/2 8/20 9/13 11/8
Semipalmated Sandpiper *** 8/2 8/13 8/20 9/9 9/23
Forster's Tern ** - 8/2 8/20 9/10 10/19
Eastern Wood-Pewee *** - 8/2 8/20 9/21 10/5
Wilson's Phalarope ** 8/12 8/17 8/23 9/12 9/25
Least Sandpiper *** 8/2 8/6 8/25 9/14 9/24
Western Wood-Pewee * 8/12 8/18 8/25 9/11 9/23
Bell's Vireo *** 8/14 8/19 8/26 9/9 9/19
Black-crowned Night-Heron * - 8/2 8/27 9/27 10/28
Semipalmated Plover ** 8/22 8/25 8/29 9/15 9/23
Buff-breasted Sandpiper ** 8/16 8/21 8/29 9/10 9/18
Common Nighthawk *** 8/15 8/21 8/29 10/1 10/10
Red-headed Woodpecker *** - 8/2 8/29 9/23 10/13
Yellow Warbler *** - 8/2 8/29 9/18 9/27
Great Crested Flycatcher *** 8/2 8/25 8/30 9/16 9/25
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher *** - 8/2 8/30 9/20 10/1
Ruby-throated Hummingbird *** - 8/2 8/31 9/22 10/5
Canada Warbler * 8/2 8/16 8/31 9/14 9/25
White-faced Ibis * - 8/2 9/1 10/2 10/30
Red-eyed Vireo *** 8/2 8/20 9/1 9/20 10/2
Mourning Warbler * 8/12 8/20 9/1 9/13 9/27
Rose-breasted Grosbeak ** 8/2 8/12 9/2 9/29 10/12
Olive-sided Flycatcher *** 8/13 8/23 9/3 9/16 9/24
Chestnut-sided Warbler * 8/11 8/21 9/3 9/18 10/1
Least Flycatcher *** 8/2 8/20 9/4 9/20 10/2
Ovenbird ** 8/13 8/22 9/4 9/18 10/5
Black-and-white Warbler *** 8/11 8/23 9/5 9/21 10/2
American Redstart *** 8/10 8/24 9/5 9/19 9/28
Yellow-breasted Chat * 8/19 8/26 9/5 9/20 9/30
Sanderling * 8/2 8/20 9/6 10/7 10/26
Warbling Vireo *** 8/20 8/28 9/6 9/19 9/27
Red-necked Phalarope * 8/2 8/22 9/7 9/29 10/15
Say's Phoebe ** 8/16 8/28 9/7 9/26 10/8
Yellow-throated Vireo ** 8/24 8/31 9/8 9/19 9/27
Tennessee Warbler * 8/2 8/9 9/9 10/3 10/23
Magnolia Warbler * 8/16 8/27 9/9 9/23 10/3
Swainson's Hawk *** - 8/2 9/11 10/14 10/22
Caspian Tern * 8/2 8/31 9/11 9/26 10/9
House Wren *** 8/25 9/1 9/11 10/6 10/20
Swainson's Thrush *** 8/24 9/1 9/11 9/22 10/1
White-eyed Vireo ** 8/24 9/1 9/12 9/27 10/8
Northern Parula ** 8/26 9/2 9/12 9/24 10/5
Blue-winged Teal *** 8/2 8/10 9/13 10/24 11/10
Great Egret *** - 8/2 9/13 10/20 11/11
Philadelphia Vireo ** 8/18 8/31 9/13 9/27 10/6
Gray Catbird *** 8/2 9/4 9/13 10/1 10/13
Brown Thrasher *** 8/26 9/4 9/14 9/29 10/9
Blue-headed Vireo ** 8/25 9/2 9/16 9/28 10/24

Ending Departures

Species Noticeability Migrants Begin Arriving Rapid Migrant Influx Peak Rapid Migrant Departure Last Migrants Depart
Western Kingbird *** - - Before Aug 1 8/3 9/15
Orchard Oriole *** - - Before Aug 1 8/15 9/18
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron * - - Before Aug 1 8/17 10/10
Yellow-billed Cuckoo *** - - Before Aug 1 8/17 10/2
Least Tern * - - Before Aug 1 8/22 9/15
Upland Sandpiper *** - - Before Aug 1 8/25 9/17
Willet * - - Before Aug 1 8/26 9/29
Cliff Swallow *** - - Before Aug 1 8/31 9/22
Black-bellied Plover * - 8/2 8/21 9/1 11/21
Pectoral Sandpiper ** - - Before Aug 1 9/2 10/23
Eastern Kingbird *** - 8/2 8/13 9/4 9/21
Bobolink * - - Before Aug 1 9/4 10/2
Mississippi Kite *** 8/9 8/14 8/20 9/7 9/20
Black-necked Stilt ** 8/2 8/15 8/24 9/7 9/18
Little Blue Heron ** 8/2 8/11 8/21 9/8 10/7
Snowy Plover * 8/2 8/9 8/23 9/8 9/19
Stilt Sandpiper *** 8/13 8/19 8/27 9/8 9/16
Northern Waterthrush ** 8/12 8/19 8/29 9/8 9/17
Baltimore Oriole *** 8/7 8/17 8/26 9/8 9/18
Spotted Sandpiper *** - - Before Aug 1 9/9 9/29
Semipalmated Sandpiper *** 8/2 8/13 8/20 9/9 9/23
Bell's Vireo *** 8/14 8/19 8/26 9/9 9/19
Tree Swallow ** - - Before Aug 1 9/9 11/1
Solitary Sandpiper *** 8/2 8/7 8/15 9/10 9/26
Marbled Godwit * - 8/2 8/15 9/10 10/2
Baird's Sandpiper *** - - Before Aug 1 9/10 9/21
Buff-breasted Sandpiper ** 8/16 8/21 8/29 9/10 9/18
Forster's Tern ** - 8/2 8/20 9/10 10/19
Bank Swallow *** - 8/2 8/19 9/10 9/26
Western Wood-Pewee * 8/12 8/18 8/25 9/11 9/23
Wilson's Phalarope *** 8/12 8/17 8/23 9/12 9/25
Black Tern *** - - Before Aug 1 9/12 9/30
Lesser Yellowlegs ** - 8/2 8/20 9/13 11/8
Mourning Warbler * 8/12 8/20 9/1 9/13 9/27
Lark Sparrow *** - - Before Aug 1 9/13 9/26
Least Sandpiper *** 8/2 8/6 8/25 9/14 9/24
Canada Warbler * 8/2 8/16 8/31 9/14 9/25
Semipalmated Plover *** 8/22 8/25 8/29 9/15 9/23
Olive-sided Flycatcher *** 8/13 8/23 9/3 9/16 9/24
Great Crested Flycatcher *** 8/2 8/25 8/30 9/16 9/25


Golden-crowned Sparrow. Marlene Cashen/Macaulay Library. eBird S35938380.

Species on the Move

Beginning Arrivals What is this?

Species Noticeability Migrants Begin Arriving Rapid Migrant Influx Peak Rapid Migrant Departure Last Migrants Depart
Canada Goose ** 8/2 11/4 After Nov 30 - -
Pied-billed Grebe ** 8/2 10/19 11/11 After Nov 30 -
California Gull * 8/2 10/22 11/7 After Nov 30 -
Red-tailed Hawk *** 8/7 9/10 After Nov 30 - -
Ring-billed Gull ** 8/10 11/7 11/22 After Nov 30 -
Turkey Vulture *** 8/14 9/9 9/17 10/5 10/17
Heermann's Gull * 8/15 9/14 9/21 10/2 After Nov 30
Black Phoebe *** 8/16 9/9 11/17 After Nov 30 -
Northern Harrier ** 8/17 11/8 11/20 After Nov 30 -
Red-shouldered Hawk ** 8/17 9/12 10/3 After Nov 30 -
Marsh Wren * 8/21 9/20 10/29 After Nov 30 -
Sharp-shinned Hawk ** 8/23 9/10 10/19 11/11 After Nov 30
Brewer's Blackbird *** 8/23 9/11 9/27 10/20 After Nov 30
Red-winged Blackbird *** 8/25 9/12 10/10 10/27 After Nov 30
Red-necked Grebe * 8/26 10/20 11/3 11/13 11/20
Merlin ** 8/30 9/14 11/9 11/28 After Nov 30
Lincoln's Sparrow *** 8/30 9/11 10/4 10/21 11/5
American Pipit *** 8/31 9/11 11/15 After Nov 30 -
Say's Phoebe *** 9/1 9/13 11/21 After Nov 30 -
American Wigeon *** 9/2 10/17 11/22 After Nov 30 -
Eared Grebe *** 9/2 9/16 11/11 After Nov 30 -
Sabine's Gull * 9/2 9/11 9/21 10/3 10/13
Summer Tanager * 9/4 9/9 9/16 10/3 10/13
Northern Flicker *** 9/5 9/29 10/16 11/8 11/22
Red-naped Sapsucker * 9/6 9/19 10/7 10/22 11/3
White-crowned Sparrow ****! 9/6 9/21 10/11 10/21 10/31
Fox Sparrow *** 9/9 9/23 10/20 11/1 11/8
Golden-crowned Kinglet ** 9/10 10/4 10/23 11/6 11/18
Black-bellied Plover ** 9/12 9/18 9/30 After Nov 30 -
Greater White-fronted Goose *** 9/13 9/21 10/3 10/12 10/19
Yellow-rumped Warbler ****! 9/13 9/27 10/14 10/23 11/3
Golden-crowned Sparrow *** 9/13 9/26 10/19 10/26 11/18
Sandhill Crane * 9/14 11/10 11/18 After Nov 30 -
Cackling Goose ** 9/16 10/3 After Nov 30 - -
Western Meadowlark *** 9/16 9/30 10/16 After Nov 30 -

Peaking Arrivals

Species Noticeability Migrants Begin Arriving Rapid Migrant Influx Peak Rapid Migrant Departure Last Migrants Depart
Blue-winged Teal * - 8/2 9/22 10/23 11/3
Common Merganser * - 8/2 9/23 9/28 9/30
Belted Kingfisher ** - 8/2 10/22 After Nov 30 -
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher * - 8/2 9/10 9/22 10/3
Black-throated Gray Warbler * - 8/2 10/4 10/19 10/29
Black Turnstone * 8/6 8/17 9/21 10/2 After Nov 30
Northern Shoveler *** 8/6 8/20 11/20 After Nov 30 -
Northern Pintail ** 8/12 8/20 11/19 After Nov 30 -
Green-winged Teal ** 8/2 8/20 11/17 After Nov 30 -
Pectoral Sandpiper ** 8/16 8/25 9/20 10/9 10/24
Pacific-slope Flycatcher ** 8/14 8/25 9/12 10/3 10/17
Pink-footed Shearwater * 8/8 8/27 9/14 10/25 11/7
Clay-colored Sparrow * 8/17 8/28 9/14 10/18 11/6
Warbling Vireo *** 8/21 8/29 9/9 9/22 10/9
Swainson's Thrush ** 8/22 8/29 9/10 9/25 10/7
Brewer's Sparrow * 8/2 8/29 9/9 9/24 10/5
Common Yellowthroat *** 8/18 8/30 9/15 10/5 10/27
Townsend's Warbler *** 8/13 8/30 10/2 10/22 11/6
House Wren ** 8/23 8/31 9/9 9/21 10/26
Sora * 8/21 9/1 9/13 9/23 After Nov 30
Orange-crowned Warbler *** 8/18 9/1 9/18 10/15 10/27
Vesper Sparrow ** 8/24 9/2 9/13 9/27 10/15
Savannah Sparrow *** 8/2 9/3 9/23 10/24 11/2
American Robin ** 8/30 9/4 10/10 10/17 11/14
Green-tailed Towhee ** 8/28 9/4 9/13 9/24 10/3
Sooty Shearwater * 8/2 9/5 9/15 9/29 10/8
Vaux's Swift * 8/28 9/5 9/14 10/3 10/20
Parasitic Jaeger * 8/26 9/6 9/19 10/1 10/29
Common Tern * 8/24 9/6 9/17 10/1 10/11
Cooper's Hawk ** 8/2 9/7 10/1 10/24 11/11
Mountain Bluebird * 9/3 9/8 9/19 10/17 10/27
Turkey Vulture ** 8/14 9/9 9/17 10/5 10/17
Black Phoebe ** 8/16 9/9 11/17 After Nov 30 -
Summer Tanager * 9/4 9/9 9/16 10/3 10/13
Sharp-shinned Hawk * 8/23 9/10 10/19 11/11 After Nov 30
Red-tailed Hawk *** 8/7 9/10 After Nov 30 - -
Sabine's Gull * 9/2 9/11 9/21 10/3 10/13
American Pipit ** 8/31 9/11 11/15 After Nov 30 -
Lincoln's Sparrow *** 8/30 9/11 10/4 10/21 11/5
Brewer's Blackbird ** 8/23 9/11 9/27 10/20 After Nov 30
Red-shouldered Hawk ** 8/17 9/12 10/3 After Nov 30 -
Red-winged Blackbird ** 8/25 9/12 10/10 10/27 After Nov 30
Say's Phoebe ** 9/1 9/13 11/21 After Nov 30 -
Heermann's Gull * 8/15 9/14 9/21 10/2 After Nov 30
Merlin * 8/30 9/14 11/9 11/28 After Nov 30
Eared Grebe *** 9/2 9/16 11/11 After Nov 30 -

Beginning Departures

Species Noticeability Migrants Begin Arriving Rapid Migrant Influx Peak Rapid Migrant Departure Last Migrants Depart
Snowy Plover * - - Before Aug 1 9/11 10/1
Whimbrel * - - Before Aug 1 9/29 10/13
Black Tern * - - Before Aug 1 9/22 10/4
Black-chinned Hummingbird *** - - Before Aug 1 9/14 10/3
Bell's Vireo * - - Before Aug 1 9/28 10/11
Northern Rough-winged Swallow ** - - Before Aug 1 9/10 9/25
Black-headed Grosbeak *** - - Before Aug 1 9/14 9/28
Blue Grosbeak ** - - Before Aug 1 9/16 10/9
Western Wood-Pewee *** - 8/2 8/10 9/20 9/30
Lazuli Bunting ** - 8/2 8/14 9/21 10/2
Lark Sparrow ** - 8/2 8/15 9/20 9/30
Bank Swallow * - 8/2 8/17 9/11 9/25
Lark Bunting * - 8/2 8/17 9/17 9/26
Swainson's Hawk ** - 8/2 8/18 9/28 10/12
Spotted Sandpiper *** - 8/2 8/18 9/17 10/3
Mourning Dove *** 8/9 8/14 8/19 9/21 10/8
Barn Swallow *** 8/2 8/9 8/23 9/17 10/12
Osprey ** - 8/2 8/25 9/16 10/2
Solitary Sandpiper ** 8/2 8/13 8/26 9/9 9/22
Wandering Tattler * 8/10 8/17 8/26 10/2 10/10
White-faced Ibis ** 8/2 8/12 8/27 9/26 10/13
Black-necked Stilt ** 8/16 8/20 8/27 9/26 10/6
Green Heron * 8/2 8/10 8/28 9/23 10/17
Greater Yellowlegs * 8/11 8/18 8/28 After Nov 30 -
Marbled Godwit * 8/9 8/17 8/28 9/29 After Nov 30
Virginia's Warbler * 8/2 8/14 8/28 9/16 10/1
Olive-sided Flycatcher ** 8/23 8/26 8/29 9/17 9/28
American Avocet * 8/15 8/21 8/30 9/30 After Nov 30
Franklin's Gull * - 8/2 8/31 10/3 11/5
Sage Thrasher * - 8/2 8/31 9/20 10/13
Red-necked Phalarope *** 8/8 8/20 9/1 9/16 10/9
Cinnamon Teal * 8/2 8/13 9/2 9/27 10/13
American White Pelican * 8/2 8/13 9/2 9/27 10/19
Gray Catbird ** 8/2 8/25 9/2 9/17 9/26
Yellow-headed Blackbird * 8/6 8/22 9/2 9/23 10/11
Willow Flycatcher *** 8/14 8/26 9/5 9/19 9/29
Nashville Warbler ** - 8/2 9/5 9/19 9/29
MacGillivray's Warbler *** - 8/2 9/5 9/21 10/2
Plumbeous Vireo * 8/27 8/31 9/6 9/19 9/27
Killdeer ** 8/2 8/14 9/7 10/3 11/3
Elegant Tern * 8/2 8/21 9/7 After Nov 30 -
Red-breasted Nuthatch * - 8/2 9/7 10/19 10/30
Sanderling * 8/2 8/17 9/8 9/26 10/6
Hammond's Flycatcher * 8/24 8/31 9/8 9/19 9/26
Cassin's Vireo ** 8/2 8/29 9/8 9/20 9/29
Yellow Warbler *** - 8/2 9/8 10/2 10/21
Wilson's Warbler *** 8/2 8/27 9/8 9/24 10/9
Chipping Sparrow *** - 8/2 9/8 10/18 11/2
Western Tanager *** 8/23 8/30 9/8 9/21 10/3
Warbling Vireo *** 8/21 8/29 9/9 9/22 10/9
House Wren *** 8/23 8/31 9/9 9/21 10/26
Brewer's Sparrow ** 8/2 8/29 9/9 9/24 10/5
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher * - 8/2 9/10 9/22 10/3
Swainson's Thrush ** 8/22 8/29 9/10 9/25 10/7
Pacific-slope Flycatcher ** 8/14 8/25 9/12 10/3 10/17
Sora * 8/21 9/1 9/13 9/23 After Nov 30
Green-tailed Towhee ** 8/28 9/4 9/13 9/24 10/3
Vesper Sparrow ** 8/24 9/2 9/13 9/27 10/15
Pink-footed Shearwater * 8/8 8/27 9/14 10/25 11/7
Vaux's Swift ** 8/28 9/5 9/14 10/3 10/20
Clay-colored Sparrow * 8/17 8/28 9/14 10/18 11/6
Sooty Shearwater ** 8/2 9/5 9/15 9/29 10/8
Common Yellowthroat *** 8/18 8/30 9/15 10/5 10/27
Summer Tanager * 9/4 9/9 9/16 10/3 10/13

Ending Departures

Species Noticeability Migrants Begin Arriving Rapid Migrant Influx Peak Rapid Migrant Departure Last Migrants Depart
Tree Swallow *** - - Before Aug 1 8/3 9/17
Violet-green Swallow *** - - Before Aug 1 8/3 10/23
Yellow-breasted Chat * - - Before Aug 1 8/3 9/25
Hooded Oriole ** - - Before Aug 1 8/3 9/22
Broad-billed Hummingbird * - - Before Aug 1 8/7 9/16
Cliff Swallow *** - - Before Aug 1 8/11 9/14
Eastern Kingbird *** - 8/2 8/14 8/30 9/10
Broad-tailed Hummingbird *** - - Before Aug 1 9/1 9/26
Common Nighthawk ** - - Before Aug 1 9/2 9/24
Bullock's Oriole ** - - Before Aug 1 9/2 9/14
White-winged Dove *** - - Before Aug 1 9/3 9/15
Hermit Warbler * - 8/2 8/19 9/3 10/23
Western Kingbird *** - - Before Aug 1 9/4 9/24
Purple Martin * - - Before Aug 1 9/4 9/20
Semipalmated Sandpiper ** 8/2 8/9 8/20 9/5 9/15
Calliope Hummingbird * - - Before Aug 1 9/5 9/24
Lesser Yellowlegs ** 8/2 8/15 8/25 9/6 10/7
Least Sandpiper *** 8/2 8/14 8/25 9/6 9/16
Western Sandpiper *** 8/2 8/14 8/25 9/6 10/5
Short-billed Dowitcher ** 8/10 8/18 8/26 9/6 9/13
Caspian Tern *** - - Before Aug 1 9/7 9/27
Rufous Hummingbird *** - - Before Aug 1 9/7 9/24
Semipalmated Plover *** 8/9 8/17 8/26 9/8 9/20
Baird's Sandpiper *** 8/3 8/17 8/27 9/8 9/20
Wilson's Phalarope ** - - Before Aug 1 9/8 9/27
Solitary Sandpiper ** 8/2 8/13 8/26 9/9 9/22
Northern Rough-winged Swallow ** - - Before Aug 1 9/10 9/25
Snowy Plover * - - Before Aug 1 9/11 10/1
Bank Swallow ** - 8/2 8/17 9/11 9/25
Black-chinned Hummingbird *** - - Before Aug 1 9/14 10/3
Black-headed Grosbeak *** - - Before Aug 1 9/14 9/28
Osprey *** - 8/2 8/25 9/16 10/2
Red-necked Phalarope *** 8/8 8/20 9/1 9/16 10/9
Virginia's Warbler * 8/2 8/14 8/28 9/16 10/1
Blue Grosbeak ** - - Before Aug 1 9/16 10/9