Forecast and Analysis

Regional Migration Analysis: 16-23 October 2015

Andrew Farnsworth The Cornell Lab Oct 23, 2015

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Red-throated Loon, Ryan Schain

Continental Summary

Light to moderate mid and end of week flights in the West featured numerous waterfowl, Varied Thrush, Hermit Thrush, and Pine Siskin, while extensive moderate to heavy flights last weekend saw the passage of Brant, Bufflehead, Red-throated Loon, Bald Eagle, Wilson’s Snipe, Merlin, Brown Creeper, Saltmarsh Sparrow, and Dark-eyed Junco.

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Quick Links to Regions

Upper Midwest and NortheastBirdCast Upper Midwest and Northeast Region Gulf Coast and SoutheastBirdCast Upper Southeast Region
Great Plainsbirdcast_plains West
BirdCast West Region

Upper Midwest and Northeast

A moderate and locally heavy weekend movement persisted through Sunday for the Northeast. But Monday night saw the arrival of much less favorable conditions for movement, including warming temperatures and southerly flow, shutting down flights for the region. With the eventual passage of a frontal boundary on Wednesday and Thursday nights, moderate to heavy flights returned to the region, first in the Upper Midwest and then for portions of the Ohio River Valley and northern Appalachians.

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Saltmarsh Sparrow, Ryan Schain

Gulf Coast and Southeast

An intense and extensive movement kicked off the weekend, with moderate to very heavy flights on Friday night continuing more locally through Sunday night. But this major movement was the highlight of the week, as return flow and its generally unfavorable conditions spread through the region beginning on Monday. These primarily southerly and unfavorable winds kept most movements local and light. Note, however, that some of the easternmost reaches of the region continued to experience more intense movements, particularly in Florida on Thursday night.

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American Tree Sparrow, Ryan Schain

Great Plains

The region experienced a quiet weekend for migration as southerly flow and high pressure had birds mostly staying put. Locally light and moderate flights on Monday night were primarily central and northern Plains events, whereas more intense movements, including some locally very heavy flights, occurred in the central and southern Plains on Wednesday night. But the whole system shut down on Thursday night with extensive precipitation associated with circulation around an arriving low pressure center.

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Pine Siskin, Ryan Schain


Scattered precipitation kept most birds grounded for the start of the period across the region. By Sunday scattered light flights occurred in California and portions of Oregon. These movements persisted through Tuesday night, and even intensified, particularly in the Pacific Northwest. The remainder of the period saw a continuation of lesser intensity flights along the Pacific and in portions of the Desert Southwest.

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Farnsworth and Van Doren