Lights Out Texas – Documentary Film

This film is being showcased at different events and museums, including broadcasts in Texas. You can arrange a screening at your event; for more information, please reach out to


For centuries, the skies over Texas have hosted a remarkable natural phenomenon: the migration of birds. These courageous travelers navigate vast distances, guided by celestial bodies and the Earth’s magnetic field, among other cues. However, amidst the glowing city lights, a poignant narrative unfolds—the disruptive impact of light pollution on their navigational instincts. This documentary tells a story of redemption, where science and action converge. Applied and research sciences collaborate with conservation and education efforts to protect these vulnerable wanderers. Data from the US weather surveillance radar network contribute to a greater understanding of their behaviors. Advanced machine learning techniques uncover hidden insights, transforming our understanding of the planet’s seasonal rhythms. Yet, the most important lesson lies in the collective efforts of conservation organizations, government bodies, and private sectors. Together, they orchestrate a compassionate response—a simple yet profound reduction of light pollution.

“Lights Out Texas” is a production of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and all of its content is protected under U.S. and International copyright law. Displaying, copying, reproducing, modifying, republishing, transmitting or distributing this film in whole or in part without express written permission is prohibited.